Saturday, September 25, 2010


We headed to Pottenstein today which is isn't far from us at all. They have a cave which we didn't make it to but we did find the summer sledding.
JJ and Stacy went up the track and then did some winding through the trees and then came back down. You can control your speed yourself on the cars. Macen wanted to do it after they got back but I think he would have flipped out when we got to the top. We put him on this little race car instead and I actually paid for it to move. He was not happy and kept hollering for us to get him off.

Then we went to see the kangaroos. They were small ones and were able to hide in the grass and weeds pretty well. We did get to see them moving around some.


VickeyB said...

I'm so glad to see you all having a good time!!! Thanks for posting the pics! I miss my kids!!
