Thursday, May 31, 2018

It's Ball Season!!!

We were only able to get Maddox to play this summer and he had his first t-ball game this week. So much fun to watch this age - free entertainment at the ball field!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Killin' Time

Chillin' between soccer games.

First Year of Club Soccer

Macen has completed his first year of competitive soccer and the team ended with being the Spring Champions for their division. He (and us) got very lucky and had an amazing team! The boys played so well together from the beginning. They trusted each other and learned quickly to play off the strengths they each brought to the game. James and I got the opportunity to meet some amazing soccer parents. I mean we get to spend a lot of time together, lol and to have a group of parents this amazing doesn't always happen. Beyond grateful for the new friendships! 

I think at this point it is mixed emotions for all of us, lol. It was a long 11 months of nearly nonstop soccer. Macen is probably burnt out and he will enjoy the next month off. But his playing abilities have improved so much from a year ago and this has been a great learning experience on several levels for him. So prood of him!

Last Day of 1st Grade & 5th Grade

School is out! Everyone is relieved, lol! They celebrated with fidget spinner lollipops.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Wrapping Up Some Soccer

This guy finished his spring soccer. His team looked amazing on the field given most of them are 6-7 yrs old.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Happy 11th Birthday Macen!

He had a pretty good day with the exception of having to call Amazon twice to have them replace 2 of his presents. It may be time to start shopping in store again, lol. Hard to believe he is 11 now. He's such an amazing kid - a leader, funny, thoughtful and smart. We love you more than you could know Macen!