Sunday, February 27, 2011

Officially a Deployment

It's a given the car will break down or any number of things in the house will break once they are gone. Just ask any spouse of a soldier. Every deployment we've gone through, there has been car issues and this one is no different. We had hoped we were avoiding this issue by buying a brand new car before coming over here but no such luck.

Thankfully it happened very close to post and we could still see the front gate. And we were thankful a neighbor drove by and offered us a ride so we didn't have to walk too far in upper 20's weather. We were within 2 milies of home so it wouldn't have been too far of a walk for us. The car is at a Ford dealership about 45 mins south of here now. Another neighbor looked at it before it was towed away and said it was a pretty big issue so it may take awhile to get parts shipped here from the states. We've been in a rental car for a week now and hoping it won't be too much longer.

All in all we got very lucky with the entire situation. I couldn't have asked for a better way for it to all go down.


Joann and Hugh said...

Bummer! Glad you and Macen are safe and weren't out in the cold too long!