Thursday, May 29, 2008

Purrfect Picture

I just thought this was a really good picture of Mo and wanted to share.

Those of you who have listened to me complain about Mo peeing on our bed nearly daily, he has a bladder infection. He didn't have the same symptoms as he had the last time he had an infection so I didn't think it was that. I thought he was upset with all the chaos of us coming and going every few days. So after doing atleast a load or two of our bedding almost every day for awhile, he is getting pumped with pills a couple times a day now. Hopefully this will be over soon, he will get better and not be in pain, I will no longer end up sleeping on the couch, I can finally get a full night of sleep and the washer/dryer will get less action. I feel awful that I let it go on for as long as I did.