Friday, July 4, 2008

Scrogin Family History

I've been known to occassionally google my own name just to see what pops up. Not a whole lot, usually just old triathlon results (back from when I wasn't fat and out of shape), or some links to old media articles that I have been interviewed for. The other night though I came across an ancestory site that had my name and year of birth listed. I dug a little a deeper and I came up with the following link:

My branch of the family appears on Scroggins07 and actually Dad and his brother Ed are listed. Atlthough there are some gaps, Aunt Sis isn't listed and neither is Granny or Grams or Charlie and Bill's families. But from there it can be traced through the Scroggins8/9/10 documents back to a George Scrogin who was in Maryland in 1660.

I started an email correspondence with a John M Scroggins who was listed as one of the compilers of the data. He then refered me to the following link on the origins of the Scrogin/Scroggins family name:

Supposedly my branch of the family falls under Group 3 Southern Maryland.

John Scroggins maintains a blog at that has links to a lot of the above sites and other genealogy sites and data as well as links to Scrogin/Scroggins blogs on the web.

Since I was able to trace the Scrogin side all the way back to 1660, I thought, hey this is easy, let me look up the Mudd side. OK not as easy as I thought. There is a lot of data out there on the internet on the Mudd family but it is not as organized as the Scrogin family info was. What I did find interesting though was that it appears that both the Mudds and the Scrogins seemed to have started in Maryland, both moved to Kentucky and then both moved to western Illinois and eastern Missouri. I'm not sure if they did this at the same time or even if they were in the same areas of the state, but the similarities were interesting.