Saturday, April 20, 2019

Soccer Life

Ready for some games!

The laundry that follows! The picture (and all the black) doesn't even begin to explain what is in this pile. I believe there are 5 pairs of soccers socks, 5 shorts, 8 shirts, 2 hoodies, 4 shin guards and 4 layering pieces.

Last weekend was by far one of our busiest soccer weekends. Both boys were in tournaments but at different locations. Macen's team had a regular league game thrown in there too. I don't remember which games were won and which were lost but I do know the boys did what they loved and did it well. James and I love watching them play and what an honor to watch them play that many games in a 48 hr period. We ended the weekend exhausted but happy!


Unknown said...

I’m macens friend I showed him this and his reaction was the best.