Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shreds of fun!

It's that time of year again where I shred all of our statements. Normally I am able to take them to work and do it but since I have stayed at home there was 2 yrs of statements that needed to go bye bye. Macen wanted to help and to distract him I put some on him. He loved it so I kept shredding and throwing more and more at him. Before long we had a huge pile and we had a blast with it! It was everywhere. I left it out all day and I'm still finding strips here and there 2 days later.

The cats even loved it. Macen would put some on Mo and then he would take it back off and brush him off. Mo would chase it as I pulled it from him and slide into the pile. Myles played with his mice in it for awhile and then later took a nap on the pile.

And it wouldn't have been an activity without the cars and trucks.


Please Press Pause said...

That looks like so much fun! Now I want a shredder.