We had a very, very busy and fun month. We had lots of visitors (see below) one of which was a good friend back from Germany. Macen loved hangin' with Brian. James said he needed a good male influence for the day. Macen had so much fun, he cried when Brian left. And Shannon, Macen can't wait to meet you and Nik.

August was a horrible teething month. He had atleast 4 coming in at once with 1-2 molars only half through. So the normal temper tantrums were magnified with teething. I'd say he has atleast 14 or 15 teeth now. He has also picked up more signing. He can now do book, ball and baby. And given the recent bad behavior, I have gotten a few more signing books for feelings and 'I want..." We are waiting for them to arrive in the mail so hopefully that will help him express himself a little better.

Macen has become obsessed with bugs lately. He has chased a butterfly and a grasshopper around the yard. And he likes picking up or stomping on other bugs he finds.

We have also started going to playgroup. Macen transitioned himself to 1 nap a day (with an occassional relapse of 2 naps) so we thought we'd give playgroup another shot. He enjoys watching the other kids and playing with new toys.
Macen learned how to kick a ball. He is pretty good at it and enjoys when I play keep away from him. He has started to "talk" alot more. He has been repeating quite a few words when he hears me say them. Enjoy the picture overload!
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