We have had our first bout of illness with Macen. He got bronchitis last month right after he had his shots. He wasn't too fussy while he was sick - he still played and smiled alot. He was put on an antibiotic for 10 days and we mastered it on day 8. He ended up getting James and I sick as well so we had a rough 2 weeks last month. I did take him back to the doctor to make sure he had gotten rid of the virus and he had gained 3 oz. That was almost 2 wks ago so I would say he is right around 14lbs.
Macen is now rolling over back to front - to his right and left side. His first time was in the middle of the night and now he automatically rolls onto his tummy when we put him to bed or down for a nap. Macen is also sitting up pretty well by himself. He does well until reaching for something and then he topples over. I think once he really goes mobile, there will be little to stop him. He doesn't sit still for long now.
He loves his exersaucer now. There are so many toys on it that I think it was overwhelming for him at first. He likes to drink out of cups so we have one for him to play with. And he has become more aware of Maggie, Mo and Myles. He loves watching them walk around and often 'talks' and laughs at them. The picture of him hanging off the side of the couch is a fave activity for him. Usually Mo is sitting across from him and he starts chattering to him. And my favorite development is that Macen gives kisses. They are wide open, slobbery kisses but it is just so adorable!
This is the best age. Although they won't stay this little for long! It' amazing to watch the personality change from day to day and all the smiles with unconditional love! Can't wait to get him and Hailee together again soon!
He is adorable! Thanks for sharing!
Love, Elissa & Clay
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