It's hard to believe he is already 3 months old. My baby no longer thinks he is a baby - he won't just lay in your arms. If you attempt to lay him that way, he thinks he needs to be sitting up and will try to pull himself up. He is now rolling from tummy to back. And he wants to roll over so badly some days. It's fun to watch him try so hard. He is a pretty happy little guy often giving us squeals of delight and lots of smiles. Macen loves to stand on our laps. He has quite the leg muscles. He is already a fan of Baby Beethoven, particularly the dog puppet. It makes sound affects like mommy does and pops up from the bottom of the screen.And he is a serious eater - he wants it quickly and don't even think of taking it away until he is completely done. Once he is done, dessert follows with some loud sucking on his fist. Macen made his first of many trips to the zoo. He slept thru most of it and spent the other part in the stroller, it was so hot!
We didn't have a doctors appt this month but he continues to grow. He is starting to fit into the 0-3 month clothes a little better. Most of them are still pretty big on him though. He is still sleeping great at night and I am only getting up once with him..
He is the most gorgeous little boy I've ever seen! And NO, it's not because he's my nephew!! He's just gorgeous!!!
So good to hear from you!! He has a little tummy on him. it is so much easier if youy can get some sleep at night. Betty is doing fine but we will always miss you. Take care - I'll call next week. Marla
He is such a cutie!!! I'm glad you're getting more rest-that helps a whole lot! Maybe I'll get to see him one of these days ;-)
JJ's Mom
He is just so cute!!! I can't believe how big he is getting. His Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Ed are looking forward to seeing him this weekend. :-)
I absloutely think that he is the cutest little boy! Can't wait to see him again!!!
Shantel and James is adorbale! I can't wait to see him and give him sugar! Jacob and him will be buds!
Love ya'll
Craig Family
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