Thursday, July 28, 2011
Cute baby alert
Maddox had his 2 wk appt yesterday and is doing great. He has regained his birth weight so momma's milk is doing his body good. He's starting to stay awake for longer periods of time and Macen has started talking to him more during that time. Macen is still holding onto the proud brother title and loves showing Maddox off to people. Maddox seems to have great neck and leg strength. He's always trying to hold his head up and loves pushing off our stomachs.
We can't believe how incredibly lucky we are that he is ours.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
German-American Volksfest
We indulged Macen's fascination of fests once again. Post hosted a fest with the return of our troops. Macen is getting pretty good at the games they offer. The bog prize amongst majority of the booths this year was blow up bats, hammers, axes, etc. We managed to come home with 2 and these things are huge. James got to partake in the large German beers while I enjoyed some chocolate covered strawberries.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Settling in at home
We are home and adjusting to a newborn again. So far Maddox likes to sleep most of the day and then cluster feed in the evening with some fussiness. He does settle down for a decent stretch through the night and hopefully it'll only improve from here (fingers crossed). James has been great taking care of Macen while I tend to Maddox. Macen finally asked to hold Maddox after we had been home a couple of days. He is pretty proud of little brother and is always saying in a soft, sweet voice how cute he is.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
More Pictures of Maddox
Here are some more pictures of Maddox

Momma and one racked out baby. According to Shantel he was a little fussy in the night.
Maddox seems to have taken to a pacifier. Something Macen never was interested in.
Macen seems to be taking just fine to being a big brother. He even offered him some pommes from his happy meal today.
Finally a picture of me with Maddox
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Introducing Maddox James Scrogin!!!
Maddox James Scrogin made his arrival at 10:58am CET at the Amberg, Germany hospital. He weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 20 inches long. Both Mom and baby are doing fine. As you can see from the photos below Maddox has brown hair (unlike Macen's bright red hair) and it appears that he does have blue eyes like Macen.
Here are some pictures.
Here are some pictures.
38 wks
38 weeks to the day and heading to the hospital. The little guy inside will be here soon. We haven't decided on a name yet. It's a toss up between 2 names - Jaxon or Maddox.
Monday, July 11, 2011
A pregnant belly to a 4 yr old
How do they come up with these things?
James got a flat tire on his bike ride the other day so Macen and I took him some things to repair it which included the air pump. While James was messing with the inner tube, Macen asked me to hold the nozzle of the air pump to my belly. Then he started pumping it! After a few pumps, he stated "It's not coming out". I'm not sure if he thought he could expand my belly even further for his brother to come out right then or what. James and I got a good laugh out of Macen "pumping air" into my 9 mo pregnant belly.
James got a flat tire on his bike ride the other day so Macen and I took him some things to repair it which included the air pump. While James was messing with the inner tube, Macen asked me to hold the nozzle of the air pump to my belly. Then he started pumping it! After a few pumps, he stated "It's not coming out". I'm not sure if he thought he could expand my belly even further for his brother to come out right then or what. James and I got a good laugh out of Macen "pumping air" into my 9 mo pregnant belly.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Happy 4th of July
We had a neighborhood get together instead of going to see the fireworks. It doesn't get dark here until after 10pm so the fireworks don't start until 10:30. A German dollar store sells small fireworks year round so we got some for the kids to see. We did most of them earlier in the evening while it was still light out and they enjoyed them. And if you notice, the men did too :) We let Macen stay up to do the sparklers. It was his first year with them and he loved them. We had a great, relaxing evening!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
We took the train down to Nurnberg for an afternoon. Macen enjoyed the ride and we just walked around the city center. We visited the Burg (castle) and went to a brewery for some Nurberger sausages.
We just walked around the outside grounds of the castle instead of touring the inside. At the end, Macen enjoyed climbing on the rocks.
Macen wanted his pic taken in front of every fountain we came across. This one was gorgeous with all the gold.
And as we were leaving James found this in the train station. It's very rare to find my name spelled this way so we were amused to see this posted.
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