We will be there for a minimum of three years and with the current state of the Army we don't know when we'll be able to get home, so get your passports and plan your trips we'll be glad to show you around Europe.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Germany here we come
We will be there for a minimum of three years and with the current state of the Army we don't know when we'll be able to get home, so get your passports and plan your trips we'll be glad to show you around Europe.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Cameron Crossroads Triathlon
This was a very good community sponsored race that is the perfect distance (S:200m B:8mi R:2.1mi) for a beginner or a good speed workout for someone who does longer distances. Here are the pictures:
Waiting in line for my turn to swim. When you do a race in a pool you enter in your best guess at your swim time and then you are seeded according to that time. I was seeded 47th out of 180 some for this race.
Look at that form. I swear one of these days the water is just going to give up and offer no resistance if I keep beating it to death. Actually I was a little worried about the swim, it's been a couple of weeks since I've gotten a good swim workout in due to class, lap pool availability, and switching other workouts to the morning when it's cooler. So it was good to get a swim in.
Look no hands!!!! Not real sure what was going on here and Shantel just happened to take the picture when I'm not touching the helmet. Cool pic Shantel.
Moving out on the run. Remember when I said I started 47th out of 180 some. Just as I went around the corner there was a volunteer who told me I was the 19th runner to go past him. Yippee, I'm making up ground on all those people who swim faster than me.
The sprint to the finish. I'm really moving out here trying to keep the girl from the Northwest Missouri track team behind me. Yeah I know she's a DII college athlete and I'm an old fart but I've still got my pride, dang it.
Like I said this was a really well run event. The bike course was deceptively hilly but still pretty fast and the run started out all uphill. I wanted to finish in around 50-55 minutes, work on my transition times and get a good speed work out in and just maybe win my age group. Well I finished in 46:40, tried some new things in transition that let me cut those times down to under a minute and I ended up placing third in my age group (there were a few other athletes out there who seemed to be using this race for the same things I was).
I'm pretty happy with the results other than the fact that my belly seems to be reappearing as Shantel has pointed out. I guess I need to get back on that strict diet I used to be on, dang it.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Royals game

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Pictures From Shawnee Mission Triathlon

Monday, July 13, 2009
Shawnee Mission Park Triathlon
Things didn't start out well though. I went on a long ride Friday and somehow I punctured a tire in the last 20 minutes or so of the ride. I didn't notice though until I went out Saturday night to check the air pressure. I only have two spare inner tubes, one new and one that's been patched before. I put the patched tire on, so I could have a good spare, and promptly discovered that it had another hole near the valve stem. Dang it. I tried to patch the new hole and had no luck. Finally giving up I tried to run to the bike store, thinking it closed at 8pm only to find out that's only Mon-Fri, Saturday they close at 6pm........ahhhh!! I ended up putting my good tube on and planning on doing the race without a spare, crossing my fingers that I'd not get a flat during the race.
Sunday morning started out beautiful and the fact that we only live about 30 minutes from the race site let us sleep in a little bit. We arrived at the site and I started setting up my transition area while Shantel and Mariah watched Macen run around like a maniac pointing out all the letters he could find and staring at all the cool bikes.
About ten minutes before the start of the first swim wave word came that there would be 30 minute delay because of a storm front that was moving in. That turned into an hour delay. The storm finally hit with about 10 minutes left in the hour delay prompting another delay. Macen was through though. With it pouring down, straight line winds approaching 60 mph and lots of thunder and lighting, I got on my bike and heading for the truck. By the time I got back to the park shelter where Shantel, Mariah and Macen were sheltering from the storm, the race officials had called the race and everyone was making a mad dash out of the park.
Overall a disappointment but I guess my inner tube issues were a fore shadowing of what was to come.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Fishing at the Lake
Fireworks at the Lake
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Rocks at the Lake

Busch Stadium for a Cardinals Game

James was listening to the game by radio and Macen wanted to hear too. He got a kick out of using the earpiece. We once again got complimented on how wellbehaved Macen was at the game. He loves cheering with the fans, the loud music and shouting a disgruntled No when the crowd boo'd.
The Magic House
First we took Macen to The Magic House. He loved being able to run around and do a huge variety of things.