Monday, June 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Shantelly

Hy-Vee Triathlon

bib number: 566
age: 35
gender: M
overall place: 827 out of 1398
division place: 117 out of 158
gender place: 653 out of 979
time: 2:56:41
swim: 44:57
t1: 3:00
bike: 1:13:42
t2: 2:29
run: 52:35
Monday, June 22, 2009
Royals vs. Cardinals

Monday, June 15, 2009
There was a gorilla on the Ironman 70.3 Kansas course!!!!!
Here is my wave start. There were over 200 men in my age group competingStruggling out of my wetsuit.
Shantel finally got a good picture of me on the bike
Gotta stay hydrated. A big thanks goes out to all the volunteers who were handing out Gatorade, water and ice cold sponges. That really helps us athletes keep going.
The kick to the finish. I made all my goals for this race: I finished; the 6:09 crushed the 7:33 I did as a 26 year old; and I dropped my weight down to 180lbs from a high of 220 something last spring; and I also raised more than $1000 to help disabled veterans compete in athletic events. A very satisfying race. Thanks for all the support. I'm doing another 70.3 distance race in August and it's time to up the bar. I want to complete it in under 6 hrs. Time to get back to training to see if I can shave that 9 minutes off my time.
Next race is the Hy-Vee Olympic distance triathlon in Des Moines. This is a really big race. I'm shooting for 2:45-3hrs and enjoying some time with my friend Ruder who lives in Des Moines and will be cheering me on.
James Scrogin
bib number:1446
age: 35
gender: M
overall place: 1000 out of 1450
division place: 175 out of 231
time: 6:09:04
swim: 54:29
tran 1: 5:03
bike: 2:49:31
tran2: 2:57
run2: 2:17:05
Ironman Snapshots

James had a good support system for the race. Mariah and my mom came to watch him as well as a friend of ours, Jamie and her daughter. Jamie also did the Ft Leavenworth triathlon last month. Friends of ours here at Ft Leavenworth were also there. Brian competed with James so his wife and son came to cheer the guys on. So both guys had their own cheering squad.

Macen and Nik are on a racing wheel chair. The owner, Oz Sanchez, was getting ready to leave and the boys got excited to see a "bike" (as they called it). He offered for them to get on it and then offered for them to ride it to his van. He was so nice to let the boys go for a ride. As you all know James did some fundraising for the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Oz is a recipient of that fundraising. He also won a gold medal in hand cycling at the Beijing Paralympics.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Crown Center Fountains
Fritz's Railroad Restaurant

Kansas City Zoo, Take 2
Friday night out

We went to the Cheesecake Factory with some friends Friday night. The boys had a blast playing near, almost in (yes, Macen fell and was going head first into the fountain but he was caught at the last second and only a little of his face got wet) and in the water fountains around the Plaza. Macen didn't want to pose with his parents though so you are tortured with a no-Macen photo.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Its Raining, It's Pouring!

Monday, June 1, 2009
Kansas City Triathlon
This is what a mass start of the open water swim portion looks like. When you take off it's all kicking feet and flying elbows until the swimmers separate out.
Here's me struggling to get out of my wetsuit as I completed the swim portion. I'm just glad to be out of the water at this point. The athlete in front me only swam half as far as I did in the sprint distance race, so he decided not to wear a wetsuit.
Shantel took this picture of my best side on the first lap of the run
Here is the sprint to the finish. Shantel really likes the Army jersey since it makes me stand out more from the rest of the athletes.
Next up is the Ironman Kansas 70.3 on June 14th. As of right now I've met two of the goals I set for myself, I'm down to about 183lbs and thanks to every one's generosity I've raised $1000 to help disabled veterans with prosthetics and training so they can compete in athletic events. Now only race day will tell if I can complete the race and finish in under 7hrs 33min. I think I'm on track to met those goals as well.
One final note to the athlete who "accidentally" picked up my wetsuit that was draped over my backpack, it was only pee'd in once and the velcro closure at the back has a tendency to rub your neck raw so make sure you put some body glide on before you use it. Honestly, the guy who I borrowed the wetsuit from was glad that it "disappeared" so he could get a new one that doesn't rub his neck raw. Enjoy!
James Scrogin
bib number: 896
age: 35
gender: M
overall place: 239 out of 302
division place: 41 out of 47
gender place: 192 out of 229
time: 3:04:32
swim: 49:08
tran1: 3:48
bike: 1:16:46
tran2: 1:42
run2: 53:08