Oh, the places we'll go...
That's me with the Oakley's and the black stocking hat getting ready for the mass startTransition 1, Almost forgot the bike helmet.
That's me coasting in and getting ready to dismount the bike for Transition 2. Macen had Shantel a little distracted so she almost missed me.
That's me running out the gate after Transition 2. The girl in front of me and I played leapfrog throughout the whole bike ride. I beat her into the transition area but she's beating me out. Chalk up getting faster in transition to something else I need to work on.Making my move to go around around her. Unfortunately it only lasted until the turn around on the run. She finished 1 sec in front of me. I gotta get faster to keep the girls from beating me! :) Check out the full body spandex. Sexy!! Just think I've lost 35 pounds since this time last year.
The uphill sprint to the finish. I'd also spent a lot of time leapfrogging the older guy in the day glo green shirt on the bike, but I held him off in the end. I just couldn't catch the girl.
One final note there were a couple of girls that I went to high school with who did this race. I hadn't seen either one of them in 17 years (since I missed my 10 year reunion due to the Army) and I did get a little chance to chat with both them before the race. I recognized both of them right away but I don't think they realized who I was until I told them my name.
Next up is the FT Leavenworth CGSC sprint triathlon on 2 May. This is the one that Mariah is going to do with me so look for the update on how that one goes.
FN LN Age DIV Overall DivPl SexPl Run1 T1 Bike T2 Run2 Time
James Scrogin 34 M3034 70 6/11 58/116 18:53 1:31 49:29 1:04 20:27 1:31:24
I got a egg coloring kit that allowed you to squirt (or splatter paint) the eggs. So we tried it but it wasn't that great. Definitely too complicated for a little boy under 2 yrs old but he was more than willing to play in the "paint".
Here is the embankment down to the boat crossing. Imagine where the grass went after all the runners went down it to the get in the boat.
OK that's it for the pictures. By now you are probably wondering did we make our goals? Well with temps in the 30's and wind gusts that supposedly reached 50 mph we only stayed warm while in the car, we passed at least one other staff group and probably several others that we just don't know about. As of this writing no official results have been published. Yes we did beat the 6 hour mark helped in part on the last leg, which I ran, by those 50 mph wind gusts.
The start of the last leg was almost due south along another levee and the wind was blowing out of the north, the first mile of that leg I ran a 7:19, which was definitely wind assisted, unfortunately the rest of the leg was pretty much due west with a viscous cross wind. I did make it to the finish line at 5hrs 59min 59 secs. Mission accomplished! Not bad for a bunch of old guys on a really crappy weather day.
Next up is the Shakespeares MaxTrax Duathlon in Columbia, which is a 2.5 mile run, 14 mile bike, and then another 2.5 mile run. The weather is supposed to be much better this weekend. Let's hope the forecast stays that way.