Oh, the places we'll go...
The above pictures are how most of you see Maggie whenever you are at our house. Mainly a lazy house dog that always has a stuffed animal in her mouth. For the most part that is a pretty accurate picture, stuffed animals don't stand a chance in our house, Maggie always appropriates them as hers and if they have squeeker then she trys to get it out. But there are things that she does.
German Shorthaired Pointers have a lot of energy and Maggie is no exception. Most of you know that I like to run and Maggie is the perfect running partner. She gets all excited when I get her leash out and she knows what my running clothes look like and she can barely contain her excitment. When she was younger it was nothing for her to pull me for 6 or 7 miles as she tried to do a 6-7 minute/mile pace. Nowadays she is much more comfortable with a 8-9 minute/miles for 6 or 7 miles.
OK this isn't a very good picture but it shows Maggie doing one of her other favorite activities, which also happens to be one of my favorites as well, bird hunting. That's her in the orange vest "honoring" a point by another dog on a pheasant. Actually from this day of hunting, I think this was the only time that she didn't find the birds first. I took a friend of mine who had only seen her lounging around the house and he couldn't believe how good she was at pointing and retrieving. For a house dog who only hunts once or twice a year, she is pretty good, if I must say so myself.
OK look closely at Macen. That is one UNHAPPY kid. You've all seen the video where he didn't like the jeans he was wearing, but we've never had a problem putting a onsie or stocking hat/beanie on him. The tantrum he threw after Mariah put the outfit on him was crazy, the picture doesn't do it justice, I wish we had video of it. He was crying and screaming, pulling at the onsie trying to get it off and pulling the hat off. It didn't stop there, his cousin Haillee was there too and Mariah picked the hat up after Macen had thrown it off and put it on Haillee, Macen ripped it off her head and continued screaming until my mother-in-law, Lori, got the outfit off of him. Then he calmed down and was as good as could be.
What can I say the kid has taste and he's predisposed to hate KU.