New town, same state. You can't often say that with military moves. It was the easiest move we've had because of it though. We've gone full force since we moved and as of this week, all is calm. We just may get bored! We've had no issues with Macen adjusting other than the fake sneezing he has picked up since we got here. Maybe he is allergic to the house. Actually his "sneezes" are pretty funny. Some of them have a huge build up before the "sneeze" comes. He still loves to count and look at the alphabet. He can now say the sounds of each letter in his name without any help - but not in order. The animals have adjusted as well. Maggie rejoined us last week and it kinda made Myles a little mad for some reason. But we caught him cleaning Maggies ears tonight so he must have decided to like her again.
James has started his training for triathlons again. That will surely keep us busy this summer. And I will hopefully get a start on scrapbooking again.