Sunday, June 29, 2008
Guess Who's Having a Birthday?????????

Friday, June 27, 2008
14 months
Bathtime has gotten a little more entertaining. As soon as I undress him, he takes off running from me. We have a streaker! He thinks it's hilarious and of course I indulge him and chase him. Occassionally he will now run from me at other times throughout the day.
He's starting to take directions well. I can tell him it's time to change his diaper and he runs to his room. I can tell him it's bathtime and he runs to the bathroom. I can tell him it's time for mommy's shower and he runs for the exersaucer (he knows he gets puffs and his sippy). He has also come to express his expectations. Anytime he gets in his stroller, he wants the cup holder filled with snacks. I started doing this as a distraction and apparently now it's mandatory. I always bring a sippy with us to the store in case he gets fussy but now he expects it as soon as he gets in the cart.
As the previous post mentions, he has started climbing.
Macen has also started to entertain himself with his reflection. When we are outside he can see his reflection in the sliding door so he sits there and jabbers to himself or plays with a toy and watches himself. He also realized he can see himself in the clean out in the tub. So he watches himself play while in the tub as well.
His new favorite food is brats and pickles. He also likes the taste of lemon juice. We have the squirt kind in the frig so he'll snatch it up and I give him a squirt. He makes the appropiate sour face and then wants more.
He is holding strong at 19lbs and something- according to the vet scales anyway. We have been there so much in the last month, he may start thinking it's his new home.
Another fun month with the little guy!

A climbing he will go!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Chow in Iraq
With all of that said I haven’t seen an American Dining Facility since the early part of May and have been living off Iraqi food, both from the Officer’s kitchen and the Soldier’s kitchen, MRE’s and the British equivalent, Halal meals (meals originally designed to meet the religious requirements of Iraqi soldiers and people) and something we call UGR meals, I’m tired of them all and would give just about anything to eat in the mess hall at Ramadi, which I was beginning to think was one of the crappier ones in Iraq.
I believe it was Napoleon who once said that an Army marches on its stomach. That is as true in the early 21st century as it was in the early 19th century. What is in the following posts is a description of what I and the rest of the team eat, along with pictures. One picture I failed to get was of the massive amounts of food and drink supplies that we do have available. I believe that only the American Army would make sure that an isolated 25 man team would be this well supplied with food. Even if I complain somewhat about some of the meals, make no mistake this stuff is ten times better than the c-rations that were the American Soldiers primary source of field chow from World War II until the advent of the MRE and are even better than those earlier versions of the MRE that I ate when I first came in the Army, some 14 years ago.
For this posting I’ve arranged all of the contents of the MRE on a cardboard tray and warmed it in a microwave this makes the meal look fairly appetizing. You can do that when you are in a static position, but this not what the MRE is designed for. It is designed for eating on the go. When on the go you stop just long enough to put the entrée in the water activated heater put them both back into the cardboard box the entrée came in and wait for it to heat up. While waiting you will munch on the sides that come with it and then you will remove the entrée from the heater slit the pouch open and then eat the entrée right out of the pouch.
After about thirty minutes the meals are hot enough to eat. Supposedly there are 13 or 14 dinner varieties and 6 or 7 breakfast varieties. We have only seen Chicken Breasts, Pork Ribs in BBQ Sauce, Beef Burgundy, Spaghetti, Pasta with Sausage, and Szechuan Chicken. Sides include mashed potatoes with gravy, jalapeno cornbread, glazed carrots, mexi-corn, green beans, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake, and a type of pound cake, M&Ms, Shock-a-Lots (chocolate covered coffee beans), Twizzler nibs and Reese’s Pieces. This is what a heated up meal looks like on Chinese/Italian Night (szechuan chicken and spaghetti and meatballs).
British MRE
We have managed to get in good with some of the British supply sergeants both at Shiaba and COP Basrah and they have provided us with some cases of their MRE equivalent rations. There are two types a 24 hour ration that, as you guessed it, is designed to provide a soldier with his meals for a 24 hour period, breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as what they call a hot weather supplement. The above picture is a box of 24 hour rations. Notice the zeroing target on the side of the box, we don't do that with our MREs our boxes just have a postcard on the side. I'm not sure who has the better idea.
This box included sausage and beans (beanie weenies), brown biscuits (hard crackers), fruit biscuits (crackers with fruit bits baked in them) chicken and mushroom soup base, chicken and mushroom paste (you combine the soup base and the paste to make a more filling soup), pork casserole (more like a stew than a casserole) and syrup pudding ( a block of breading of some sort soaked in maple syrup). Also included are the standard sundry items much like the MRE, matches, toilet paper, white tea (it’s not actually white), hot chocolate flavored drink mix, fruit flavored drink mix, fruit flavored hard candy, a Nestle chocolate bar they call a “Yorkie” (it’s always melted and ends up getting thrown away) and a sport drink much like Gatorade. Being a “Silly Yank” I have no idea what is supposed to be for breakfast, lunch or dinner, but I like to eat the soup and paste mix together with a couple of brown biscuits soaked in them and then the pork casserole with the syrup pudding. This meal tastes pretty good but I’m a not sure if I like the syrup pudding, just a little too sweet for me after a while. Other main entrees/meals include steak and vegetables, beef stew and dumplings, chicken mushrooms and pasta, corned beef hash, lamb and potatoes, vegetable tikka masala, rice pudding, fruit dumplings and tomato beef broth with chili beef paste. The only other one of those that I have had are the steak and vegetables, tomato beef broth with chili beef paste and the fruit dumplings. They were all pretty good except for the fruit dumplings which I didn’t warm up, I think that they might be better nuked.
This is what the pork casserole, syrup pudding, and chicken mushroom soup with chicken mushroom paste looks like heated up and ready to eat. Notice the field expedient soup bowl, a water bottle cut in half with the top half stuffed into the bottom, makes a pretty good insulator for soup or coffee. I had to heat this in the microwave since it doesn’t come with a water activated heater like an MRE does. I don’t know if the Brits issue a heater separately or if their tracked vehicles have a hot water heater that allows them to warm up the meals, some of our tracked vehicles have a heater like this for MREs .
This is the hot weather supplement. Supposedly it is supposed to last longer in the desert, most of the stuff doesn't melt and takes little preparation. The package contains three flavored citrus drink packets; a savory snack, in this case Mini Cheddar Biscuits (much like Cheez-Its); an energy bar ,kind of like a peanut candy bar; a meal pouch, pasta with mushrooms in tomato sauce; a sweet snack that the Brits call a flapjack but is more like an oatmeal bar with a sugary taste; and a fruit snack pouch, which is a cherry applesauce in a squeeze tube.
After eating on the British rations for a few days I’ve come to the conclusion that even though I like them better than the MREs that is probably because they are new to me. I bet the British soldiers feel the same way about their rations that American soldiers do “Man, not the pasta and mushrooms in tomato sauce, again!”
This is our team NCOIC cutting strip steaks from a whole strip loin of meat. This is also what steaks for 21-25 Soldiers and Marines look like on the grill. We had an excellent BBQ this night with strip steaks, burgers and baked potatoes. The Iraqis find it amusing when we tell them that in the States it is mainly the man who does this kind of cooking. In Iraq the women does ALL of the cooking unless it is done in a restaurant and then men do the cooking.
When it comes to BBQing in Iraq I’m forced to yield the majority of the grilling duties to the Team NCOIC who is pretty protective of his grilling domain. Although I have suitably impressed him with my ability to cook flesh over an open flame for him to allow me to start the fire and occasionally do the chicken.
I’m hoping that as Macen learns to eat on his own, that he doesn’t take after his father when it comes to the eating department. Yes, that’s a chunk of chicken on my knife and I am eating it straight from the knife, and that is a cigar in my hand as well (the Army won’t let me drink beer in Iraq, even if that is a staple of BBQing, and I’ve got to have one vice over here right?). The team medic had to be called in shortly after this picture was taken to administer stitches as I bit down on the knife instead of the chicken. Just joking!
Halal Meals
Monday, June 23, 2008
Basrah in the News
This is the CNN story. The reporter and the camera man came to the finishing phases of a clearing operation that we conducted in the Al Quibla area. The Brigade was looking for illegal caches of weapons and ammunition as well as propaganda from the Muqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi Army organization. Most of the pictures that I posted on the Iraqi Market place were taken the day this reporter visited.
This story was by an AP reporter, Kim Gamel, who spent two days visiting us. The picture in the upper left corner is of the kabob stand that I talked about in my last post (Where SBG Sabah likes to "hold court" occassionally at night). It was the first time that the AP had sent an actual reporter to Basrah in over two years instead they had been relying on local stringers to get their stories from the area.
This video clip just ran last Thursday 19 June on the ABC evening news. It actually consists of a lot of stock footage taken during the Mehdi Army uprising this spring. Don't worry I haven't seen a fire fight since I've been down here and the only shooting I've actually seen was when an Iraqi Policeman accidently fired his AK-47 and the riccochit hit another Iraqi Policeman. The police seem to have a hard time leaving their weapons on safe, but we have started reminding them everytime we go out with them to leave their weapons on safe, it seems to be having an effect. You briefly see a glimpse of my Team Chief and the inside of our compound during this video.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Flippin' fun
Coolest kid on the block

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Random Thoughts and Pictures at the Six Month Mark
On the other hand we joke that the Brigade Comander is turning himself into a local Warlord. He spends a lot of time engaging and entertaining the local Sheiks and has a habit of going out at night with the MiTT team in tow and “holding court” at a local Chai House or Kaboob shop. While doing this he will often subsequently visit a local’s house and we will inevitably be out until almost midnight or later. Alone these are all good things to do, it allows him to be seen in public and makes him seem approachable by both the Sheikhs and the common citizen and it allows him and us to gauge the attitudes of the local populations and get a good first hand look at living conditions. But the part that causes the local Warlord joke is that he is actively politicking with the Commander of the Basrah Operations Center to either leave his Brigade in Basrah indefinitely or to give him a job in either the Basrah Operations Center or one of the Iraqi Army Division that is permanently stationed in Basrah. Also he wants to move his family to Basrah permanently; this will get them to a safer area than Baghdad, but also allows him to more actively pursue his Warlord career. In actuality all of the above is just how business is done in Iraq. Politicking with the Basrah Operations Center Commander allows him to build a relationship with his nominal higher headquarters and allows that Commander to trust him and not doubt his methods or actions, it also allows the Basrah Operations Commander to know that he will not surrender his Brigade and tell them to turn over their weapons and equipment to the Mehdi Army like a locally stationed brigade did when trouble flared up here earlier this spring. Also bringing his family down here allows him to see his family without taking the normal 9 days of leave every 18 days, which allows him to focus on Brigade Operations.
Finally the a picture of a goat eating garbage. It really does happen. That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed. I’m working on an upcoming blog that talks all about the food I eat. Look for it in the next couple of weeks, in the meantime if there is anything that anyone wants me to blog about write a comment and I’ll try to get pictures and put together a little story about it.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Too stinkin' cute!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Invasion of toads

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Pictures of Me
This is where an Iraqi would get their fresh vegetables and fruit. You can’t really see it in the foreground but that area is a potato, onion, pepper, tomato, stand and then in the background you can see the watermelon’s stacked up in the fresh fruit area.
Because of the lack of reliable electricity in Iraq, Baghdad gets about 12 hours of city power a day, while Basrah gets about 12-18 hours (some of which comes from Iran), many Iraqi women will go to the market daily to get what they need to for that day’s meals. Fresh bread, fruits and vegetables, and meats, when I say fresh I mean fresh see the picture of the chicken stand below.
That’s right an Iraqi’s chicken dinner doesn’t come in Styrofoam tray with boneless breasts all shrinkwrapped nice and pretty with an expiration date, it come on the hoof (I guess on the foot in this case) and fully feathered. I think I’ve already talked about how many Iraqis eat mainly chicken and sheep and rice. The average Iraqi actually probably eats more chicken than they do sheep. Chicken is actually cheaper and most Iraqis only have sheep on holy days or special occasions. But when they do they’ll get the sheep from someplace that looks like this.
I don’t know if you can tell it or not but some of these sheppards/sheep vendors spray point numbers and letters on the back of the sheep. I’m not real sure what this is for and my interpreters are all from Baghdad and are not familiar with this method of marking sheep. I’m assuming that it is a brand or identification mark of some kind of the sheppard so that he can figure out which sheep are his if they get mixed up another flock.
This next picture shows a typical Iraqi shop a little bit of everything and then not a whole lot of everything at the same time. Not much of a selection is there? I do have to admit that I have seen shops that are better stocked than this.
Well if you can’t find what you are looking for here then move on down to the next stand and maybe they will have it there.
These market pictures are actually taken in the Quibla neighborhood so if you can imagine it is more as lower middle class to middle class, not poor/poverty level like the Hyanniyah area or middle class to upper middle class like the Jameat area, so the goods reflect what the people will buy or need.
OK enough about Iraqi style Wal Mart and on to gas stations. Iraq does have regular gas stations just like the United States but they are few and far between. In fact I have only seen two in my travels around Basrah, the second largest city in Iraq with a population between 800,000 and 1 million, and I don’t remember seeing any regular gas stations in Ramadi, although I’m sure there was at least one. The picture below illustrates where a typically Iraqi gets his gasoline or benzene as they call it.
Yes these gas stations are illegal and support the black market, but the lines at a regular gas stations makes the gas lines of the 70s look minuscule (at least that’s what I’ve been told, even though according to our young Marine augments I’m an old man, I still can’t remember gas lines), couple that with the fact that Iraqis, like most other third world citizens, don’t understand lines and queues then you can realize where pulling up to a guy with a 5 gallon jug of gas paying a few extra dinar more and not having to stand in line for 3 to 5 hours would be beneficial.
Now an interesting note on corruption and kick backs in the Iraqi society, it’s a fact of life and it’s not called corruption, it’s called the cost of doing business. Recently a new regular style gas station opened near our brigade headquarters and not long after it did, the brigade commander’s personal security detachment roughed up a lot of the black market gasoline vendors and dumped their gas on the street. This action was within their legal right since the stands are illeal but was it a coincidence? New gas station opens; the local authority, the Army General, then roughs up the illegal vendors that had been ignored previously, add in that a week later the illegal vendors where back in full force. Do you think that there might have been some kick backs from both sets of gasoline vendors? I’m not saying there was, I just find it interesting, and coupled with my lack of belief in the inherent nobility of man (call me jaded, but I prefer realistic) there might have been some money changing hands.
Here is the Home Depot gravel and sand department. Just pull up and tell them what grade of sand/dirt you want (lots of rocks, few rocks, no rocks) and they’ll deliver.
Right across the street from the Home Depot gravel and sand department is the Home Depot heavy equipment rental shop. Stop by and take your pick of roller, front end loader, shovel bucket or dump truck.
Finally just a little further down on another corner is the Home Depot building materials lot. Take your pick small bricks or cinder block, they’ve got them both. Just about the only type of wood grown in Iraq is from the date palm which is not suitable to use as a building material. More on construction and building techniques in a later post.The above picture is a Quick Change Fix-a-Flat/New Tire Stand.
And that is everyone's quick look at the local market economy in Al-Quiblah/Hyyanniyah Iraq, I hope you enjoyed.