James came home April 5th and left yesterday. He got a few extra days than normal but he had to report to Ft Riley those days to 'work'. Macen took to him immediately at the airport. They had a great time bonding while James was here. James would leave the house for whatever reason, say goodbye to Macen and Macen would cry when he left.
The pic with Macens hand on James' shoulder was Macen helping daddy look for things under the stove. Macen got the Leapfrog fridge set for his birthday and took a liking to the 'O' and 'Q' (for unknown reasons) and both ended up getitng "lost". So James was hauling things out from under the stove and I do mean hauling. Myles loves playing with his mice toys and he pushes them under the stove so far to see if he can get them back out himself (which most of the time he can't). James thought Myles may have pushed it under there . Anyway, at any given time there are atleast a dozen toy mice under there so it's no quick check. Macen was trying to help daddy by using the fly swatter as well as climb on James' back. Not to worry Ken & Stacey, the 'O' and 'Q' have both been found, they weren't under the stove and Macen is happy again.
While James was here we had Macen's 1st birthday party. For me, it was important that James be here for it. James did alot of work on our fabulous yard and the vehicles. James and I also had a night out and went to the Daughtry/Bon Jovi concert.
We had a great time while James was home and miss him already. We wish he could have been here longer but we're grateful for every minute we got with him.