6 months of tiny fingers and toes, 6 months of a beautiful smile!
It's really been half a year since Macen came into our lives. And it has been amazing! Macen has had a busy 30 plus days developmentally.
*He mastered sitting up within a few days of first doing it
*He got his first tooth at 5 months, 9 days and the second one arrived last week - both on the bottom. Both have come with fussiness
*He had a short stint on rice cereal a few weeks ago but that didn't sit well with him so we stopped until he was 6 months. Last week, I started him on oatmeal and he is doing much better. We'll be experimenting with fruits and veggies soon.
*He loves the itsy, bitsy spider rhyme and does the spider climbing up the wall. He started doing it during diaper changes and now if I forget to start singing it to him he just starts the spider without me.
*He started rolling all over the place - the first time he did it, he came upon Mo and got a 'what are you going to do to me?' stare from the cat
*He started crawling on Halloween
*And finally, he can now pull himself into a sitting position from his tummy and pull himself to a standing postion from his tummy or sitting.
He had his 6 month check up today and the doctor told him he was an overachiever. He came in at 15lbs, 11oz and 26.25 inches long - both in the 25th percentile. He has become quite the social butterfly when we are out and about. He smiles and squeals at everyone. Hopefully that lasts for awhile but we'll see. He has gotten pretty spunky in his Bumbo and has even fallen out once and that was under supervision (I'm not sure what took them so long to recall the item but we may have a rather active baby). He doesn't like it as much now since it keeps him contained. Macen still thinks Maggie, Mo and Myles are the greatest entertainment ever and is starting to chase them down with his limited mobility. He still isn't sleeping thru the night which isn't that big of a deal since I get up in the middle of the night to pump his milk. He has previously slept thru the night off and on until his teeth came in so I know its possible for him to make it all night without a feeding - all in all it's a work in progress and we'll get there soon. Macen has been very busy and I'm sure he's going to keep us on our toes from this point on.