Another month has passed by us! Macen is now 13 lbs 7 oz (25th percentile) and 24 3/4 inches (50th percentile). He got another set of shots and was amazing with them. He cried when she poked him, stopped as soon as I picked him up, gave her a smile and preceded to 'talk' to her. All this when he was an hour and half overdue for a nap.
Macen is active and alert more than ever which is alot of fun for us. He enjoys reading time and has taken to holding the corners of the books or wildly kicking them with his feet showing how excited he is. He loves listening to daddy tell him stories regardless of the subject. He will just smile and laugh the whole time. He just got a Bumbo which he absolutely loves and an exersaucer which he is getting more use to. We can not get enough of making him laugh or him making us laugh.
Naptime has drastically improved. At 3 1/2 months he just started going to his crib for naps instead of me holding him or falling asleep in the swing. This was a big step for us. Bath time is more fun as well. He can now fit into his puppy robe and play with his army ducks.